Everything Comes And Goes
“Time is like a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream. For as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too.”
—Marcus Aurelius
Time is like a relentless river, always moving, replacing one moment with the next. How often do we cling to an experience, a conversation, or a disappointment, trying to hold what's already slipping away?
Marcus reminds us that to resist the flow of time is as futile as trying to stop a river with our hands. Instead, we should embrace the fluidity of life, letting go of what has passed and welcoming what comes. Just as a river shapes the landscape through its continuous flow, our lives are shaped by the unceasing passage of time, and the events that come and go with it.
This means practicing acceptance and presence. When you're enjoying a pleasant moment today, can you appreciate it fully, knowing it's fleeting? And conversely, when you face challenges, can you let them pass without holding on too tightly, understanding that they, too, are just part of the river's flow?
Living with the awareness of time as a river encourages us not just to observe life, but to participate in it actively—steering our course with intention, while accepting the natural progression of events.